Monterey Heights STEAM Academy Home
Home Page Main 2022 Redesign

News & Announcements

Welcome to Monterey Heights STEAM Academy!
Monterey Heights STEAM Academy is dedicated to providing a dynamic and innovative learning environment where students excel in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. Our commitment to academic excellence, combined with a focus on creativity and critical thinking, prepares students to be future-ready leaders. Join us in fostering a community of curious, confident, and capable learners.

Infinite Campus Parent Portal
Stay Connected! Sign up for Infinite Campus Parent Portal Today!

Volunteers Needed
Volunteers Needed! Please click on the attached link to sign up.

Every Wednesday is Minimum Days for our Eagles. Students are dismissed at 1:28 pm

No School- Labor Day
No School for Labor Day on Monday, September 2, 2024

9/11- We Remember
I hope you take a few moments to honor those who lost their lives that day, in the conflicts since, and to honor those who serve today around the world fighting to keep us safe and free.

Monterey Heights Peace Assembly inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King
In Lieu of our annual Peace Assembly, students created art, poetry and videos to celebrate Black History Month inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King

Congratulations to our PTA!
Did you know that our PTA is a Legacy?
Monterey Heights PTA turned 70 this year!
Thank you to California and Ninth District PTA for the recognition.
Monterey Heights PTA turned 70 this year!
Thank you to California and Ninth District PTA for the recognition.

Enroll Your Child - Inscribe a Sus Hijos
Please read our district's new Strategic Plan (2021-2026). Learn more about the district's vision and goals for the future!