Mission & Vision Statements
Lemon Grove Learners are diverse, unique, resilient, inquisitive, compassionate, and limitless.
- We believe that caring relationships based on integrity, honesty, and a respect for diversity are essential to learning.
- When our Lemon Grove Learners leave Lemon Grove School District they will know and be able to recognize their significance and potential, and they will use their 21st century learning experiences to thrive as tomorrow's leaders, workers and democratic citizens.
Lemon Grove Learners are tomorrow’s leaders, workers, and citizens.
Monterey Heights Elementary School is a community of learners including students, parents and staff who are dedicated to creating an academically rigorous, culturally caring and inclusive learning environment. We are Reaching Excellence in Academics and Changing History! Together, we are champions of knowledge, our communities, the environment and of our futures. Monterey Heights Eagles are goal-oriented, critical thinkers and community leaders who are dedicated to achieving the highest level of integrity and academic success.
The administration and staff are committed to providing a challenging and supportive learning environment where all students can succeed and reach their full potential. Every member participates in cycles of continuous learning and improvement that includes establishing high expectations, goal setting, planning, action and reflection.
We develop a culture of excellence that includes a robust instructional program that focuses on:
- An alignment to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) with a focus on building language, literacy and competency across all subject areas;
- Standards-driven progress monitoring ensures that all students make appropriate and satisfactory progress.
- A “Whole Child” approach emphasizing students’ cognitive academic, physical, social-emotional, and relational development;
- A culturally responsive classroom, ensuring that every learner can see his/her culture, background, and interests in the content being studied; and
- Emphasis upon inquiry-based investigations and collaborative learning at all grade levels.
To this end, we seek to develop well-rounded students who exemplify health, wellness and character development using our core school wide expectations and values (Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible). Through discovery, exploration, innovation, and creative expression and after school enrichment opportunities, students receive rich, extended learning opportunities while building a positive school culture where every member feels valued and respected.
Through coaching, collaboration and building professional learning communities, we offer staff professional development training to build teachers capacity to improve instructional practices and to accelerate student achievement.
Finally, we support a community schools approach that organizes and maximizes resources from the school and community based partnerships to ensure every student thrives and to support student success in alignment with the school priorities.
As a collaborative community of learners at Monterey Heights, we are committed to the cultivation of joyful and meaningful learning experiences where innovation, perseverance and communication serve as the cornerstones. It is the people...the children, families, teachers and every support staff member who come together making Monterey Heights Elementary School a wonderfully enriching and nurturing place to learn and grow.